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College Closure - Wednesday, February 12
Due to inclement weather, all MCC campuses and locations will be closed on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. All classes and events, including online classes are canceled.
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Aug. 5

Aug. 5, 2019


Derek Rayment
Public + Media Relations Manager
531-MCC-2876, office
402-960-0697, cell

MCC Gateway to College program receives national recognition

OMAHA, Neb. — Achieving the Dream’s Gateway to College program at Metropolitan Community College has received a Graduation Achievement Award in recognition of exceeding the graduation benchmark used to assess the performance of Gateway to College programs nationwide. This marks the second consecutive year that the MCC program has received the Graduation Achievement Award.

Through Gateway to College, students who have dropped out of high school or have become disengaged, complete their high school diplomas in college-based programs while simultaneously earning college credits. MCC has hosted a Gateway to College program since 2010, and the program enrolled 89 students during the academic year when they received the award.

“Gateway to College programs provide a critical second chance for vulnerable high school students and a powerful testament to the importance of wraparound supports and creating a sense of belonging in college. Nearly 75 percent of program graduates nationwide continue their post-secondary education,” said Emily Froimson, executive vice president of Achieving the Dream.

To learn more about the program, visit


Metropolitan Community College, accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, is a comprehensive, public community college that offers affordable, quality education to all residents of Dodge, Douglas, Sarpy and Washington counties. Founded in 1974, MCC has the largest enrollment out of six community colleges in Nebraska and is the second largest post-secondary institution in the state. MCC serves more than 40,000 unique credit and noncredit students.