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College Closure - Wednesday, February 12
Due to inclement weather, all MCC campuses and locations will be closed on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. All classes and events, including online classes are canceled.
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MCC Sponsorships


Competition for employees is at an all-time high as the skills gap grows and employers struggle to find employees with the right qualifications and experience. Metropolitan Community College student sponsorships help employers attract, develop and retain entry-level employees with a unique blend of training and instruction at MCC, combined with on-the-job, experience-based learning.


Sponsorship is both a recruiting and a training tool. A company "sponsors" one or more students by covering tuition, books and/or fees, with the understanding that the student/employee will stay with the company for a specified period after the completion of training. Employers get to develop and prepare their future workforce, and sponsored students/employees can obtain paid work experience while receiving hands-on classroom instruction at MCC.


Organizations interested in sponsoring student tuition, fees, books and/or supplies for any period of time are required to submit an Authorization form. The form must be fully completed, signed and dated before submitting. Payment must not be dependent on the student earning a certain grade or withdrawing from a course. For more information or questions about payments, contact the Student Accounts Office at 531-MCC-2405 or