Help now available On-Campus and Online
Assistance On-Campus
Fall Quarter Hours
Monday - Thursday
Saturday - Sunday
Supervisor: Kelli Schinstock
Location: 2902 Edward Babe Gomez Ave., Omaha, NE 68107
South Omaha Campus LTC phone number: 531-MCC-4537
Learning and Tutoring Center main phone number: 531-233-0982
Assistance Online
Login to AccuCampus (using your MCC user name and password) to drop-in tutoring, setting up tutoring appointments, and joining your scheduled appointment.
Set your own appointment (as little as 15 minutes in advance) for more in-depth help with academic skills, understanding assignments, navigating online college systems, using software, finding college resources, or for tutoring in subjects like chemistry, accounting, foreign languages and information technology.
See our tutoring page for more details about subject area tutoring.
For staff assistance
On-campus Software Resources
- Windows 10 – 64bit – Enterprise Edition
- MS Office Professional 2019
- Adobe Creative Cloud with Publisher
- Adobe DC
- Burlington English
- FileZilla FTP Client
- Flowgorithm
- Git & Github Desktop
- Google Earth Pro
- JAVA Development Kit
- Jet Brains
- Microsoft Visio
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
- Azure
- Desktop Dev. With C++
- Python
- Microsoft Project Professional 2019
- Net Beans
- Notepad++
- Oxygen XML Editor
- Pronunciation Power
- Putty
- QuickBooks 2018
- Raptor
- Read/Write Literacy Software
- Sage 50 Accounting 2019
- Scanning software
- Structured Flowchart
- ZoomText
- IGEL Computers
- Artistier4
- NetBeans
- Raptor
- Ultra Key 6
- Visual Studio Code
- Refresh Workspace
- Tableau 2020.3
- Template Toaster 7
See Software Resources available at all campuses
Academic Resource Services
The Math Center offers free drop-in assistance for all levels of math offered at MCC and one-on-one math tutoring by appointment.
The Writing Center assists writers at any stage of the writing process, addressing all writing-related concerns. The center provides individual consultations, in-house workshops, computer resources and grammar handouts.
Academic Coaching is a collaboration between an Academic Coach and a student in which the student creates an action plan to achieve academic goals. Academic Coaches can assist with a wide variety of concerns, including time management, reading skills, note-taking and test prep.
The Language and Literacy Center offers ESL tutoring, academic coaching, and homework and test-preparation help on a drop-in basis to MCC students who are learning English. Our resources and services are available to English learners at any level, whether they are enrolled in MCC's credit or non-credit ESL programs or are taking general education or program-area courses. We also consult with faculty on issues related to English language acquisition.
MyHub Page
Go to the Learning and Tutoring Center myHub page to get all the news and events. Sign in with your username and password and make sure you click the “JOIN” button at the top right of the page.
Mission Statement
The Learning and Tutoring Center provides free tutoring, academic assistance, and state-of-the-art equipment and services to support the learning needs of students across all areas of the College's curriculum.