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Military & Veteran Services FAQs
how do i get started as a new military-connected student using benefits?
- Beginning with TERMS STARTING ON OR AFTER DECEMBER 17, 2021, all Post-9/11 GI Bill® students who receive MHA and/or kicker payments need to verify enrollment every month. This is a Veteran Affairs requirement for Post 9/11 GI Bill® students to certify that they have remained enrolled in the same courses the MCC Veteran Certifying Official has previously certified for the quarter. GI Bill® trademark & “GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
- Students have the option to verify enrollment via text message or email. VA strongly recommends using text or email, but if these options are unavailable, students may call the Education Call Center (ECC) at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551) to verify enrollment. Please be advised that calling the ECC may result in long wait times.
- All impacted students with a US mobile phone number on file should receive an opt-in text message after being enrolled in courses. Students must respond to that text within 14 days. After opting in, simply reply to a VA text message each month to verify enrollment. If you opt out of text message verification or do not respond to the opt-in text, you will be automatically enrolled in email verification with the email address on file with VA. If you do not receive a text message, need to verify your enrollment over the phone, opt into text verification, or enroll in email verification, you may call the Education Call Center (ECC) at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551)
- If you fail to submit enrollment verification for two consecutive months, your MHA/kicker payments will be held until you verify your enrollment. For example, if your term starts on January 1, 2022 and you fail to verify your enrollment for January and February, your March 2022 payments will be placed on hold.
- For more information, please visit the VA Ch 33 Verification website.
How do I resolve a Business Office Hold on my MCC account (Ch 33)?
- Please contact your Veteran Certifying Official if you are using Ch 33 benefits, have a Business Office Hold on your account, and are unable to register for classes. Your Veteran Certifying Official may be able to work with Student Accounts to remove the hold for registration. Please note, Chapter 33, Post-9/11 students who are not at 100% benefit will be required to pay their portion of tuition and fees prior to releasing a Business Office Hold. MVS Contact Information
What if I want to change my program or major?
- Please contact your Veteran Certifying Official if you plan to change your program or major. Changing a program may impact the ability to certify your courses to VA, and may result in creation of a debt! MVS Contact Information
What if I want to drop a class or change my schedule?
- Please contact your Veteran Certifying Official if you plan to withdraw from a course after census date. MVS Contact Information If you withdraw from a course after census date, you will incur a debt with VA. Students may be required to pay tuition and fees as well as a portion of housing allowance if applicable.
- MVS will be notified of schedule changes and will adjust your certification accordingly. Please work with your advisor to ensure all of your classes are within your program.
What classes will VA cover? Please see your certifying official for questions.
- Program requirements – VA will cover only classes required for your current VA-approved program of study or major.
- Repeated courses – Students who have taken a class and achieved the minimum program-required grade will not be certified for a repeat attempt.
- Failing a class - Students who fail a course will be certified for a second attempt. In some cases, classes that are specifically required for a program, and for which there is no alternative, will be certified for a third attempt. Students must meet with the Associate Director of Military/Veteran Services prior to a third attempt. Chapter 31 students are only authorized 2 course attempts.
- Placement in math or English – Students will only be certified for math or English classes for which they have a valid placement.
- Remedial courses (09XX classes) will only be certified for in-residence delivery
- 1000 level, and above, courses will generally not be certified for modular delivery.
​Where can i find a va benefits rate sheet?
How do I verify my monthly enrollment? WAVE (1606, 30)
- All students who are receiving the Montgomery GI Bill® Chapter 30 or Selected Reserve Chapter 1606 must verify their enrollments monthly to receive payments. This verification can be done either by using the Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE) application on the GI Bill® website or by using the automated telephone system at 1-877-823-2378 and following the prompts.
How do I get academic credit for military service?
- MCC seeks to grant the most credit possible for military training and experience. Military students who submit military transcript (JST, CCAF) are granted up to 3.5 credits in Physical Education (PHED) for basic training. Additional credit hours may be awarded for military training and experience as recommended by the American Council on Education.
- Some factors may limit the number of credits accepted, including departmental accreditation and program-specific requirements. Credits not transferred as a specific class at MCC may be applied to either the major or general education requirements as undefined electives. Veterans and military students pursuing specialized programs that have very few or no electives may find that they receive limited credits from their military experience.
- Documents eligible for transcript evaluation can include CCAF Transcript (Community College of the Air Force), JST (Joint Services Transcript), and other official documents indicating military experience. In addition, MCC accepts DSST (DANTES) and CLEP scores.
- Use of military credits to transfer from MCC to another institution depends on a number of factors, including whether the institution has a transfer credit agreement with MCC. The institution receiving transfer courses makes the decision regarding award of transfer credit. Military students should evaluate their transfer options carefully in consultation with the receiving institution. For additional information on military transfer credits, contact MCC’s Veterans Center.
- Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps and Navy: Active Duty, Reserve and veterans. Servicemembers and veterans may order Joint Services Transcripts by visiting the DoD Joint Services Transcript (JST) website.
- Air Force servicemembers and veterans are eligible to receive a Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcript documenting earned credit. Servicemembers and veterans may order CCAF transcripts by visiting the CCAF Transcripts website
- To submit a military transcript, transcript from a high school, prior college or university, visit the MCC Submit a Transcript webpage for submission address and email.
Where Can I Find VA Shopping Sheet Information?
What if I have an unanticipated military obligation?
- In the event a student is unexpectedly called to active military service (deployment, TAD, etc.), the student should contact MVS immediately to make arrangements for accommodation. The student should provide MVS a copy of military orders. MVS will work with the student to facilitate solutions that will not result in student debt for returned portions of educational benefit funds and will provide opportunity to re-take or complete coursework. Options for course resolution may include:
- An "I" grade. According to the MCC catalog, "I" grades are issued due to extenuating circumstances. Students may be given an extension of time to complete course objectives. Assignment of "I" grades is a faculty prerogative and is issued when students, who have completed the majority (at least 60 percent) of the course requirements, are unable to complete the remainder due to unusual or extenuating circumstances. An "I" grade must be made up no later than 11 months after the end of the quarter in which the "I" grade was issued or it becomes an F. Prior to issuing the Incomplete grade, the instructor and the student meet to discuss a timeline for completing the remaining assignments and/or tests in order for the student to earn a quality letter grade. The instructor sends an email to the student, and copies the appropriate academic dean, confirming the due date for the remaining work. (Does not count in computation of grade point average)
- If the call to service occurs at a point in the term where the student has completed enough work to be issued a grade, a grade for the course may be issued based on completed progress.
- The student may withdraw from the College, with VA and DoD considering unanticipated call to active service a mitigating circumstance.
How do I get verification for CHAMPVA?
- Students who need school verification sent to ChampVA must make the request to their Veteran Certifying Official. ChampVA will be updated after census date to accurately reflect any additions or drops from the beginning of the term.