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College Closure - Wednesday, February 12
Due to inclement weather, all MCC campuses and locations will be closed on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. All classes and events, including online classes are canceled.
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FERPA Audio Presentation

Christy Horn from the University of Nebraska gave a FERPA presentation to MCC faculty and staff on Oct. 11, 2011. Horn is the ADA/504 compliance officer and the AA/EEO officer for the University of Nebraska and holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology. She has been providing accommodation to individuals with disabilities in higher education for 25 years. She founded the UNL Services for Students with Disabilities office in 1985, the UNL Accommodation Resource Center in 1995 and the Building Accepting Campus Communities Project in 2002. Horn is nationally and internationally recognized for her work in accommodating students with disabilities in higher education. Her work has centered on the creation of programs and environments that provide individuals with disabilities the opportunity to achieve their goals and realize their potential. She has secured more than $5 million in public and private funding to achieve those goals at the University of Nebraska.

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Christy Horn's FERPA Presentation
Transcript of Presentation