The College provides Workers' Compensation insurance for all employees. An employee injured on the job is entitled to medical and indemnity benefits, as stated in the provisions of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act. Any injury that would qualify an employee for such benefits must be reported to the Human Resources office on the day the injury occurs.
Indemnity (wage loss) benefits are based upon 66 2/3 percent of the employee's average weekly wage, up to the maximum in effect on the date of the injury as established by state law. Compensation benefits begin on the 8th calendar day of disability due to the injury. Compensation for the first seven days of disability is not paid unless the employee is off 42 days or more. The days of disability need not be consecutive. If an employee goes to a doctor within 48 hours after the injury, the employee is excused from work for the appointment; however, all appointments thereafter require sick leave usage.
Procedures Memorandum VI-31
Incident Report
For more information contact Human Resources at 531-622-2420.