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College Closure - Wednesday, February 12
Due to inclement weather, all MCC campuses and locations will be closed on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. All classes and events, including online classes are canceled.
Changes ahead
Some pages will look different than others as we modernize to bring you an even better website.

Directory Information

Metropolitan Community College will not disclose any personally identifiable information about students (except directory information listed below, at the discretion of the College) without the written consent of the student. Each student, however, has the right to restrict the release of this information by submitting a Request to Opt Out of Directory Information form or sending a written request to the Registrars Office. MCC's directory information may include, at the discretion of the College:

  • Student's Name
  • MCC email address
  • Credit Hour status (full or part time for the term)
  • Start and end dates of attendance (Start date of first quarter of when classes were taken and end date of the last quarter when classes were completed only)
  • Degrees, honors and awards received
  • Major field of study
  • Photographs, audios and videos of students participating in official school activities and events*

*In consideration of acceptance of enrollment, students authorize Metropolitan Community College to use their image, likeness, name and comments in, but not limited to, photographs, videos and audio recordings created or used for the purposes of publicity/marketing and advertising for the College.

Students have the right to restrict access to their directory information by completing a Request to Opt Out of Directory Information form. By completing the form, students are requesting that directory information not be released to non-College personnel. As a result of the decision to request confidential status, students should know:

  • All address changes must be made in person with a form of ID;
  • No information can be given to friends or relatives trying to locate a student through MCC;
  • Information as to student status is suppressed, so loan companies, prospective employers, family member, etc., are informed that MCC has no record of the student's attendance; and
  • The graduation program or any other official publication does not contain the student's name.