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Databases: Education
Most Relevant Databases
- The Chronicle of Higher Education

News, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators.
- ERIC (EBSCOhost)

Abstracts and full text from more than 2,000 educational and education-related journals and reports.
Additional versions of ERIC are available:
- Nexis Uni

Full text articles and abstracts from nearly 5,000 magazines, newspapers, journals, radio/tv transcripts and other sources including University Wire, a collection of college and university newspapers. NOTE: To limit your search to University Wire, click "Find a Source" and then select "University Wire" from the alphabetical list.
Additional Databases
- Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

More than 4,600 magazines, newspapers and journal articles from all academic disciplines.
- eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

eBooks covering a wide of topics and subject areas. Many are available for checkout and offline viewing. [ Downloading EBSCOhost eBooks ]
- MasterFILE Complete (EBSCOhost)

Multidisciplinary database providing full text from magazines, newspapers, journals, reference books, and primary source documents.
- Omaha World-Herald (NewsBank)

Full text newspaper articles covering Nebraska and western Iowa dating back to 1983.
- OmniFile Full Text Select (EBSCOhost)

Full text articles from roughly 1,000 magazines and journals covering current events, art, applied science & technology, biology, agriculture, education, general science, humanities, law, social sciences and business.
- Opposing Viewpoints

Pro/con coverage of controversial contemporary issues. Includes full text magazine and newspaper articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents and links to relevant websites.
- Points of View Reference Source

Find critical essays of current events with an overview and two sides of the issue.
- SIRS Issues Researcher

Thousands of full text magazine and newspaper articles exploring current events and current issues.