What does having a 100% smoke and tobacco-free policy at Metropolitan Community College mean?
The policy means that no smoking or tobacco use will be allowed on any property or facility owned or leased by or in the possession of the College, or otherwise under the exclusive control of the College, and in all vehicles owned or leased by the College.
What products are included in the Smoke and Tobacco-Free Policy?
Tobacco is defined as all tobacco-derived or containing products, including but not limited to: cigarettes (clove, bidis, kreteks, etc.); electronic cigarettes; vapes; cigars and cigarillos; hookah smoked products; pipes; oral tobacco (spit and spitless, smokeless, chew, snuff); and nasal tobacco (snus). It also includes any product intended to mimic tobacco products, contain tobacco flavoring or deliver nicotine other than for the purpose of cessation.
Will it be okay to use smokeless tobacco such as chew?
All forms of tobacco are prohibited. The health risks associated with "chew" as well as other smokeless tobacco products are well documented.
Will the use of hookahs and other devices for smoking tobacco be permitted?
Using hookahs or any other device to smoke tobacco is prohibited. Additionally, using hookahs to smoke non-tobacco products also is prohibited. Using hookahs and other devices promotes tobacco use as an acceptable behavior, which is not acceptable at MCC.
Are electronic cigarettes (e-cigs/vapes) permitted?
E-cigs/vapes are not permitted. There is insufficient evidence that these devices positively affect smoking and they are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration as smoking cessation devices, therefore cannot be used on MCC property. They contain tobacco flavoring and so are prohibited under our policy. Using e-cigs promotes tobacco use as an acceptable behavior, which is not acceptable at MCC.
What does College-owned and operated property include?
This means all College property operated as part of the College’s campuses, including: campus buildings, structures and facilities; parking lots (including personal/private vehicles in College parking lots); College vehicles; and ground areas.
Can I use tobacco in my personal vehicle while on College property?
No. Use of tobacco in your personal vehicle is not permitted while on College property.
To whom does the smoke and tobacco free policy apply?
The smoke and tobacco free policy applies to all College employees, students, visitors and vendors and is driven by respect for others and for the environment.
Does the tobacco-free policy apply at College-sanctioned events occurring off College property?
The policy applies only to College-owned, operated and leased property. Events or activities scheduled elsewhere are bound by the policies or rules of the event coordinator or property manager.
Will the smoke and tobacco free policy mean that smokers and tobacco users can no longer attend or work at MCC?
No. While the policy will dictate that smoking and tobacco use is prohibited on MCC campuses, it will not mean that MCC is asking or expecting anyone to end their involvement with campus. The policy is being implemented out of respect for others and the environment. MCC supports the right of those that live, work, learn and visit MCC to be able to conduct their academic or work endeavors in a smoke and tobacco free environment.
What are the rights of smoke or tobacco users?
There is no legal right to smoke or use tobacco under either state or federal law.
The College can establish policies that positively affect the health and well-being of all students, faculty, staff, vendors and visitors. A tobacco-free policy does not prohibit tobacco use, it merely establishes where use can and cannot occur. Tobacco is legal for adults to purchase and consume; tobacco products are just not permissible to use while on College property.
Why not allow people to smoke outdoors? Is there really a health risk?
Yes, there really is a health risk. The Surgeon General has found there is no safe level of second-hand smoke. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, second-hand smoke contains more than 4,000 substances, several of which are known to cause cancer in humans and animals. At MCC, it is imperative that we consider the impact of tobacco on the health and well-being of our faculty, staff, students, prospective students, parents, vendors and visitors.
How does adopting a 100% smoke and tobacco-free policy clean up the environment?
Environmental tobacco exposes bystanders to numerous harmful chemicals. Cigarette butts are the most littered item in the world. About 1.7 billion pounds of cigarette butts are littered worldwide every day. Cigarette butts are a fire hazard, increase college maintenance expenses and can be eaten by dogs, birds and other animals. Filters are non-biodegradable and can take five to ten years to decompose. Chemicals (hydrogen, cyanide, arsenic, etc.) in cigarette butts leak into the soil and water.