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Leave of Absence Without Pay

Procedure Memoranda
Reference VI-I, Leave Without Pay

Requests for leave of absence without pay may be granted for the following reasons:

  • Personal illness or injury to employee.
  • Employees receiving Long-Term Disability benefits.
  • Due to serious illness in immediate family or catastrophe involving employee’s personal property. (Employees who have exhausted paid leave or any applicable Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), or when FMLA does not apply).
  • For an employee to attend a college, university, special workshop, or institute.
  • An employee's Military Service leave. In some instances Military Service leave may be paid (Refer to P.M. VI-13).
  • Other personal reasons.

With the exception of military leave and employee entitlements to FMLA, the following will normally be required as conditions precedent to consideration of requests for leaves of absence without pay:

  • A minimum of one year of continuous prior employment with the College for leaves of more than 30 work days;
  • A satisfactory work performance and attendance record at the College; and
  • The availability of temporary employee(s) to "cover" the proposed period of absence, and the effect of leave on the level of service delivered by or to the College.

With the exception of military leaves and certain FMLA leaves, all accumulated annual leave, sick leave, and personal leave must be used by the employee prior to beginning a leave of absence without pay. The maximum length of a leave of absence without pay is normally 12 calendar months.

Supervisors reporting directly to a Dean, Vice President or Associate Vice President may approve leaves without pay for periods of five work days or less. A Vice President or Associate Vice President may approve leaves without pay for periods of 30 work days or less. All leaves of absence without pay of more than 30 work days must be approved by the President.

Contact Human Resources at or call 531-622-2420.